Friday, August 26, 2016

sidewalk chalk experience

Are experience with the sidewalk chalk was cool. In the begging we were all quite and didn't want to make an effort to talk in front of a small group, but as we went on we got a little used to each other. it was kind of difficult to come up with a flag because there were still some people not wiling to talk. So the first thing we did we was talk about our colors that represent us. Most of us either chose blue or orange, we decided to make those to colors are main ones. we felt that we needed another color to even things out so we added some white. The next day we had to come up with a symbol. that was probably the hardest for us because we wanted just one symbol, but there was five different people in the group. In the end we decided on drawing a sun in the middle to represent that we all are bight in some way. We also added the ocean or waves to symbolize how different we are and how we handle life. In the sun peadles we decided to put our own symbol with our names under it. Once we were outside we had chosen make the strips diagonally. The main line was white and we sort of messed up a little by having the wrong amount of stripes on each side, but we just added two other white strips.

adding our personal symbol to the sun pedals.
finishing coloring in the strips and starting to add detail.