Friday, January 27, 2017

my week using illustrator 

For my first time using illustrator we had a made a design of a certain object. I had decide to do a cake, kinda if like you were at a birthday party. In my picture i had use the shape tool to make the cake and the table but the rest were used be the pencil tool. Personally i didn't like it just because I'm use to drawing on paper and when it comes to drawing it has to be somewhat perfect or else i get irritated by the way it looks. So i wasn't a big fan of it.

In another project we had to create a character or logo. For this one i struggled a lot. I have never been that good at drawing people, and trying to achieve that on a computer is even harder. for me i didn't like the way it looked, to me it looked more like a kid had drawn it.

We then learn about the shaper tool. It was i guess easier but i feel like using the shopper tool made me not like my project about the characters. I think illustrator is really cool if you know how to use it.  I feel like i can really improve yourself in the art industries just cause you not only know how to draw on paper but also on the computer. Again like i said i wasn't a big fan of it and for this reason i think its because I still don't know as much. I think that i set too high of standers for myself causing me not to try as hard.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What is Graphic design? My Experience.

For this project i decided to go for a Harry Potter theme. In my sketch i didn't necesarly use logos, or at least i wouldn't call them logos. i think of it as things most Harry Potter fans should know.  I did use typography such as the H and he S. the H stars for Hogwarts and the S stands for slitherin. I did use lots of color in this. For example in the lettering i use the four colors of the so called hoses as well for the scarfs. the all mean either Gryfinndor, Slitherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw.

I think one thing i did good was texture. for one example the hat. I made it look vintage and old. I also showed the scarfs having a bit of texture but it mostly has to do with the lighting and what areas are darker. i also think i did well in color as i already explained.

What i liked about this is that its something i really enjoyed. At first i was kind of scared about how it was going to turn out because it had been a while since I've drawn, but I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I also enjoyed that i got to make it look however i wanted it to.