Friday, March 10, 2017

CSS and CARP design

For this project we worked on web design. we had to change up the way the poem looked. The only thing i did wrong was on the title part. the title was supposed to be light brown but on mine its not. Web design was easy for me this time unlike the other times which was really good. I learned to do things the i didn't the first time. I learned how to set it up and who to add fonts that aren't there. i learned how to move aside images and make the text more lined up.

In my example there are head lines to each starting sentence in the paragraph and the title is way bigger than the one in the begging.

A great example of alignment is defiantly the text or the way the poem in put. It is now all to one side. I also aligned the dog on the other side of the poem so that it docent look to plane.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Tree Project

In this project i had drawn a tree 20 different times. My experience with this was okay. I personally thought it was kind of boring but it did kind of open my eyes to see how many ways of drawing there was. Out of all of the trees i drew i really liked one of my hard ones but know i couldn't accomplish it on illustrator. If i tried i most likely would have hated it. So i went for an easier one. Even drawing one of the easier ones on illustrator was hard. I can't seem to get the coloring right and how i want it. 
The end results weren't that bad. Its not my best but it isn't my worst. One of the reasons I'm taking graphic design is because i want to get better and the things I'm not good at. Im good at drawing, or so i like to believe, but I'm not good and computer drawing and I'm willing to get better.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My Personal logo

I knew that i wanted to construct my logo with my love for traveling. I incorporated famous world monuments and tried to fit that in to look like Tapia. It went really well in the drawing part but when it came to doing it on illustrator it went bad. I tried really hard to make it look good. In the end it wasn't working out.

So then i had decide to draw something more simple and it was a mountain with a capital T in the middle. When i drew it on illustrator it wasn't the best. Iv would have liked to make the mountain curvy like it the in my picture but i couldn't figure out how. Scene i was really tired of illustrator not working out for me i just kept it as is and moved on.

The meaning behind my drawing mostly has to do with traveling but now that i realize it it can be thought as for other things. At the top of the mountain there is a yellow blotch and the mountain is blue. I believe a mountain is the closest thing to being in the sky but also on the ground the same time. So the yellow represents stars in the sky or the sun and the blue represents the ocean. I made the T kind of like a greenish color to represent land. Basically my inspiration for my mountain is "the sky is the limit".

Monday, February 13, 2017

My personality type

My personality type is ESFJ. This means that i like to work with others and like helping out in my community. It also means that i am a loyal person an keep my word. I like to help people in need and not just by giving food or clothes but also if they need a friend or need a bit of cheering up. These people also get things turn in on due dates and get things done. Another thing is that they keep there friends and family on there top priority. A famous person who has the same personality as me is Alyson Hannigan, this surprised me because she is one of the main characters in how i met your mother and i  absolutely love that show. Other people are Anne Hathaway, the pope, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Alicia Keys. One of my favorite are Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande and last but not least Victoria Beckham.

I think that this describes me accurately. I really do like to help others in need and every chance i get i do my best to help and supply those in need. I also think that i am a very loyal person. I've never have betrayed anyone and i always keep my promises. Im a person of my word. I also do keep my friends and family on top. Any free time i have i tend to enjoy it with my friends and family and personally i feel like i can't let them down. Although this test was pretty accurate there was one thing that wasn't. I tend not to get things turned in one time and I'm not as organized as the charts said, but i do have to say that i am working on those things. Now that i know al of this it does help me understand more who i am and why i do things that i do. When i came to deciding what i wanted to do for my future i decide i didn't want to do anything that didn't have to do with kids. Both of my parents are are organized than me and they also do keep friends and family on top. Although they do that they don't volunteer as much. They do give money to those in need but I've never experience them helping out in organizations like the Johnson county christmas burial, but they are great people.

I think that with my personality i don't really just focus in my own idea. I like to include other peoples idea and not be stubborn. I think that if i didn't get the position in a group that had my needs i wouldn't maybe work as hard and not communicate as much. If i was i would be more than glad to help out others that need help on a project.

I think the people that i struggle with are stubborn people. I guess i also struggle with people who are so self centered. This is partially because I'm a person who likes to help others. Although I feel like I'm not self centered i do feel like i am an independent woman and being independent you have do love yourself and who you are and i do. But being independent is way different that from showing off something you have.

Friday, January 27, 2017

my week using illustrator 

For my first time using illustrator we had a made a design of a certain object. I had decide to do a cake, kinda if like you were at a birthday party. In my picture i had use the shape tool to make the cake and the table but the rest were used be the pencil tool. Personally i didn't like it just because I'm use to drawing on paper and when it comes to drawing it has to be somewhat perfect or else i get irritated by the way it looks. So i wasn't a big fan of it.

In another project we had to create a character or logo. For this one i struggled a lot. I have never been that good at drawing people, and trying to achieve that on a computer is even harder. for me i didn't like the way it looked, to me it looked more like a kid had drawn it.

We then learn about the shaper tool. It was i guess easier but i feel like using the shopper tool made me not like my project about the characters. I think illustrator is really cool if you know how to use it.  I feel like i can really improve yourself in the art industries just cause you not only know how to draw on paper but also on the computer. Again like i said i wasn't a big fan of it and for this reason i think its because I still don't know as much. I think that i set too high of standers for myself causing me not to try as hard.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What is Graphic design? My Experience.

For this project i decided to go for a Harry Potter theme. In my sketch i didn't necesarly use logos, or at least i wouldn't call them logos. i think of it as things most Harry Potter fans should know.  I did use typography such as the H and he S. the H stars for Hogwarts and the S stands for slitherin. I did use lots of color in this. For example in the lettering i use the four colors of the so called hoses as well for the scarfs. the all mean either Gryfinndor, Slitherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw.

I think one thing i did good was texture. for one example the hat. I made it look vintage and old. I also showed the scarfs having a bit of texture but it mostly has to do with the lighting and what areas are darker. i also think i did well in color as i already explained.

What i liked about this is that its something i really enjoyed. At first i was kind of scared about how it was going to turn out because it had been a while since I've drawn, but I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I also enjoyed that i got to make it look however i wanted it to.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Web Design Reflection 

1a. The process started out with us taking a picture first, and i can't really say much cause i didn't finish

1b. It was a pretty long process but i think thats because of the video s we watched. I tried to use my time wise in class

1c. The only challenged i faced was that videos were to long and boring and that made me more tired

1d. I learned about dreamweaver

1e. My overall opinion is that its boring, and kind of lame

1f.  i don't have any because i didn't finish.