My Personal logo

I knew that i wanted to construct my logo with my love for traveling. I incorporated famous world monuments and tried to fit that in to look like Tapia. It went really well in the drawing part but when it came to doing it on illustrator it went bad. I tried really hard to make it look good. In the end it wasn't working out.

So then i had decide to draw something more simple and it was a mountain with a capital T in the middle. When i drew it on illustrator it wasn't the best. Iv would have liked to make the mountain curvy like it the in my picture but i couldn't figure out how. Scene i was really tired of illustrator not working out for me i just kept it as is and moved on.
The meaning behind my drawing mostly has to do with traveling but now that i realize it it can be thought as for other things. At the top of the mountain there is a yellow blotch and the mountain is blue. I believe a mountain is the closest thing to being in the sky but also on the ground the same time. So the yellow represents stars in the sky or the sun and the blue represents the ocean. I made the T kind of like a greenish color to represent land. Basically my inspiration for my mountain is "the sky is the limit".